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China Electric Vehicle Explode!

참그놈 2022. 1. 4. 18:14

I'm not used to write something in English. But, I heard a shocking NEWS that Electric Vehicle Battery has been exploded in China about 2000 times in a year. I was really shocked.


Have you heard the NEWS the Toyota Car Inc and Chinese Vehicle Battery Maker will be co-opreate. The Brand will be Toyota, but the contents are Chinses products. including the battery. when you buy the car in the future, can it guarantee you and your company's safe ?


even, I have heard especaially higher expensive medical expenses in USA.

Some years later, If you purchace a Toyota electric car, you might be threatened and bankrupted.

What I want to say is when you buy a new electirc car, Check the battery Safety. 


If you have some korean friends, Ask for explaning,


Pardon my bad English.





중국 전기차 배터리 또는 오토바이 배터리 폭발 사건 1년에 2000건 정도 발생.

중국 자동차 배터리 회사와 일본 토요타(Toyota) 자동차 합작

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