영어 포스트 17

The Man who had drunken fukushima radioactive contaminated water is gone...

Pardon, my bad English. In 2011, a nuclear power plant has exploded on Fukushima in Japan. "core melting" has been appearing till now. Japan claims to filter radioactive contaminated water and release it into the sea. Professor Ellison of the U.K. said, "We can drink contaminated water from the ALPS filter," adding, "We don't believe Japan deceived international organizations related to nuclear ..

영어 포스트 2023.05.29

Libre Office Writer chinese coverter doesn't work at all

I have used Libre office writer. many korean uses chinese letters. I am a korean, I also... but, Libre office writer chinese converter doesn't work at all. Korea has a word processor software, its name hangul(한글). I think 한글 word processor (한글 워드프로세서) is the world best software in the fields of chinese converter. not only a single charactoer but also professional words, It can be able to change...

영어 포스트 2023.02.12

Spin sushi might be contaminated...

You want to go to Japan? on business or for fun... then, be careful Spin Sushi. Japanense teenagers like to contaminate the food, Spin Sushi. If you can't understand korean language, ask for some koeran firends. I have seen the clip as follows several times. pardon, my bad English. https://v.daum.net/v/20230201203417173 일본서 회전 초밥 사라지나‥장난 영상 '도 넘었다' [뉴스데스크] ◀ 앵커 ▶ 돌아가는 판 위에 놓인 초밥을 골라서 집어먹는 회전초밥. ..

영어 포스트 2023.02.01

How about selling all coins ? BitCoin, Etherium etc...

I am not used to write something in English. Do you have some korean friends, ask for him to translate the following post. My expectation for Coin(Digital Gold) may be fault or error. but don't blame for me. just reference. https://blog.daum.net/gnomecharm/8389250 코인(Coin) 곧 망할 것 같은데 코인 투자하란다. (코인 빨리 팔아요) 방금 정체 불명의 어떤 문자가 하나 왔는데, 열어봤더니 코인에 관심 있으면 큰 정보 하나 준다면서 적혀 있네요. 제목에 썼지요? 코인 곧 망할 것 같은데... 코인..

영어 포스트 2022.03.22