영어 포스트

Don't do that, Mr. Bill Gates

참그놈 2021. 4. 14. 10:10

Dear, Mr. Bill Gates.


I heard you, Mr. Bill Gates and your team, have established a plan to protect the hotting Earth, yesterday from YOUTUBE(2021. 4. 13).

But, I think you and your team must consider the egloos of eskimo and the greenhouse effect.

Maybe, you want to make the earth the greenhouse with iced curtain ?

The sun drive the whole sea water and air of the earth to flow.

in part, your expeirment may be success. because of a part of the earth. but, If you adapt the experiment to the whole earth, the earth is getting the greenhouse. time after time and moer and more. isn't it?



Pardon my bad English.

I'm not used to write something in English.

speaking, listening, reading, too.

so, I'm not able to write the errors of your plan to save the earth in detail.