영어 포스트

Korean staple diet are rice and vegetables.

참그놈 2023. 2. 14. 05:09

first, Pardon my bad english.


In 1988, the 24th Olympic was established in korea.

but, before the olympic estalblished, for some years, many foreingers thouthgt "korean eat dogs"

and then, opposed the olympic to be opened in korea.


time after time, now 2023....

some foreigners are believing in "Korean eat dogs" still......

Who said about that?

Have you been in Korea?



In 1950, A war was broken out, we korean have called it 625 war.

There's no food to eat.

dogs are food to live... but korean staple diet are rice and vegetables.

beef pork chiken....?

Now 2023, many korean eats them, but they are not korean staple diet.

Including see weeds, korean eats hundreds of vegetables for several thousands years.


do you know kimchi(김치)?

how many kinds of kimchi?

I don't know about that. so many kinds of kimchi, even though I am a korean...

Just only kimchi, hundreds of styles have been eating them in korea.


how to eat vegetables in korea.

raw, boiled, mixing with some seasoning, blanching, en-ferment, baking with flour, frying... 

even though,  some poisonous weeds who lives in abroad think it, korean have eaten them for thousands years. and now...


are  you vegan?

korea is the best country. because you can live without any meats for you life in korea. your sons and daughters, and grand-sons, grand duaghters, great-grand sons and daughters.... also.




From 2023 April, Japaneses will jerk out too much radious contaminated water in the sea.

so korean can't be eat some fishies and see weeds. black papers also.

as you know, black papers are happy snack for worldwide children.

Janpanese are international psychopaths... I think.